Penis Envy ( Psilocybin Mushrooms )


Status : Available
Type : Penis Envy
Quality : AAA ++
Color : Brown & White
Rating : 100%
Delivery : Guaranteed
Purity : 99.98%


Buy Penis Envy Magic Mushroom

PENIS ENVY MUSHROOM is one of the most popular strains of mushrooms that are in growth to date. PE is characterize by its strange appearance, with a dense, bulbous, and wrinkly stipe, and a cap that doesn’t open very much. It tends to look like a mushroom penis. Besides it’s higher potency the Penis Envy looks different. No wild guess is in need, its phallus shaped appearance makes it really something else. The best thing is you can grow these magic mushrooms too. The Penis Envy is a very potent magic mushroom strain that is known to have a higher amount of Psilocin and PsilocybeIt contains more ‘Magic’ than other Psilocybe Cubensis strains.

USAGE of penis envy

  • Psilocybin mushrooms are the most commonly use psychedelics among people ages 34 and younger.
  • A 2012 study of 409 university students in the American northeast found that nearly 30% of those surveyed had tried mushrooms at least once.
  • A report from data collected in the 2010 NSDUH study show that, compare to other drugs, hallucinogens. Which, according the NSDUH, includes LSD, PCP, peyote, mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms, and MDMA (ecstasy). Contrarily, they were use by about 1.2% of the population of people 12 years of age and older within the past month. Interestingly, prescription “psychotherapeutics” are reportedly used illegally at a rate nearly 6 times that of hallucinogens.
  • Surveys in 12 EU member states found that people aged 15– 24 years old use of magic mushrooms ranges from less than 1% to 8%
  • In the UK, almost 340,000 people aged 16–59 had used magic mushrooms in the last year as of 2004/2005.

EFFECTS of penis envy shroom

  •  1-2.5g includes increased intensity of emotional experiences, increased introspection and altered psychological functioning in the form of “hypnagogic experiences.
  • Perceptual changes such as illusions, synaesthesia (mixing sensory modalities).
  • You may experience a change in your visual perception. Such as halos around lights and objects and geometric patterns, when your eyes are close.
  • Your thoughts and emotions will also start to change.
  • Strong emotions are often experience, good and bad. It’s recommend that you don’t resist these emotions in either direction, but rather let them work their own course. Many who do report strong negative emotions also report a simultaneous sense of calm acceptance and detachment from them, especially if they remind themselves that the emotions are temporary.

Buy Penis Envy Mushroom – Order Penis Envy Mushrooms 

Anyone curious about trying magic mushrooms for the first time will inevitably worry some point about having a “bad trip”. This comes with hallucinations, uncontrollable paranoia and reckless behaviours.

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